Class I
Dr. John W. White
Dr. John W. White was a public servant of agricultural interests in Arkansas for a span of over 39 years. At the University of Arkansas Dr. White served as county agent, research supervisor, instructor, extension specialist, Rice Branch Experiment Station Director, Professor/Head of Agricultural Economics & Rural Sociology Department, Associate Director of the Arkansas Agricultural Experiment Station, and Vice President for Agriculture. He led the agricultural research program of Arkansas from 1953 to 1974, during its period of greatest growth. Dr. White was born at Hamburg in Ashley County in 1911. He graduated from Hamburg High School, attended Arkansas A & M College, Monticello, and graduated from the University of Arkansas in 1935 with a B.S.A. degree. He received his M.S. and Ph.D. degrees from the University of Minnesota with a Major in Agricultural Economics. Dr. White became Extension Economist in Marketing and worked all over the state on marketing problems. He was appointed Assistant Director in Charge of the Rice Branch Experiment Station, Stuttgart, Arkansas. During this period he worked with all phases of research dealing with rice and related crops. In July 1947 Dr. White was appointed Professor and Head of Department of Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology. He taught courses in marketing, farm management and policy, conducted research on land problems, labor problems, farm management and marketing. While Dr. White served as Associate Director of the Agricultural Experiment Station the research program changed from a relatively small operation to one of a major importance in the country. In addition to significant increases in projects, personnel and finances, two new Branch Experiment Stations, one in Northeast and one in Southeast Arkansas were established. Dr. White was appointed Vice President for Agriculture effective July 1, 1959. In this capacity he was responsible to the President of the University for all phases of Agriculture and Home Economics. In 1952 Dr. White conducted a study of the Marketing of Agricultural Products in the Republic of Panama. Two reports were published on the subject. He served on the President’s Council of Economic Advisors for the Southwest Economy. In 1957 Dr. White was named Man of the Year in Arkansas Agriculture by Progressive Farmer Magazine.