Class XI
Dr. Roy J. Smith Jr.
Dr. Roy J. Smith Jr. had a great deal to do with the fact that Arkansas is the number-one state in production of rice in the United States. Reliable sources say that we have had a 50-percent increase in yields over the past 30-40 years made possible by the weed technology developed by Dr. Smith. He earned a B.S. and M.S. in Soils & Weed Science at Mississippi State University and a PhD in Weed Science at the University of Illinois. From 1955 until retirement in 1993, Dr. Smith was employed by the USDA-Agriculture Research Service at the Stuttgart Experiment Station. He served as supervisory agronomist, research leader and location leader. Dr. Smith was responsible for several types of research performed at the station, but most of his work was directed toward weed control. He worked closely with the Cooperative Extension Service in publishing leaflets, brochures and posters related to controlling red rice through mechanical, cultural, chemical and biological practices. Dr. Smith made significant contributions to national and international weed control in rice production through publication. He was author or coauthor of more than 300 scientific journal articles. The station under Dr. Smith’s direction hosted students and other rice officials from many foreign countries for short courses on weed control in rice. He is recognized by weed scientists worldwide as the premier authority on weed control. With all his scientific knowledge, he believed in and recommended practical applications. Many believe Dr. Smith’s work on weed control is responsible for the position Arkansas holds today in rice production.