Class X
Senator David Pryor
Senator David Pryor put in countless hours in the Senate Agriculture Committee working on legislation affecting the American farmer and rural America, because he realized the importance of agriculture to Arkansas and to our nation as a whole. As a U.S. representative, as governor, and then as U.S. senator, Mr. Pryor held frequent meetings with farmers across the state of Arkansas, establishing an understanding that enabled him to become a knowledgeable and effective spokesman for our state’s largest industry. The Agriculture, Nutrition & Forests Committee was his first choice for assignment on his election to the U.S. Senate in 1978. Senator Pryor quickly gained a reputation for his effective battles on behalf of rice farmers. Since rice is grown in only five states, these battles were, at times, especially difficult. In 1984, he made his point that rice farmers should have the same advantages as farmers of other crops by holding up debate on the target price bill by reading rice recipes on the floor of the Senate until rice interests were protected. Senator Pryor was involved in efforts to stabilize the ailing Farm Credit System. Both the Senate and House bills included his legislation which created a secondary market for farm mortgages aimed at assuring a diversified source of funds for long-term farm and ranch financing. Over the years, Senator Pryor pushed for full funding and use of the Farmers Home Administration operating and emergency loan programs, sought more FHA field personnel to help process loans in time of need and concentrated on making the Federal Crop Insurance Program more effective. Senator Pryor’s awards and distinctions are much to numerous to list, but might be summarized by his designation in 1987 as “Arkansas Hero.”